by H2020_eLTER_Project Project_Team;
Oct 26, 2019
Last updated at Nov 6, 2019
Abstract: The dataset provides climate scenario data as time series based on an ensemble of EURO-CORDEX regional climate model (RCM) simulations for each LTER site location throughout Europe. The EURO-CORDEX ensemble used here consists of dynamically downscaled CMIP5 global climate models (GCMs) for different greenhouse gas concentration trajectories, the representative concentration pathways (RCPs: RCP2.6 (6), RCP4.5 (14) and RCP8.5 (14)). The datasets cover the following, non-bias adjusted variables: tas = near-surface air temperature [degC], tasmin = daily minimum near-surface air temperature [degC], tasmax = daily minimum near-surface air temperature [degC], pr = precipitation sum [mm day-1], psl = mean sea level pressure [Pa], huss = near-surface specific humidity [kg kg-1], rsds = surface downwelling shortwave radiation [W m-2], and sfcWind = near-surface wind speed [m s-1] in txt and netCDF data format at daily, monthly and yearly temporal resolution. Each ZIP-file data package contains the data file as well as an extensive disclaimer with additional information.
Keywords: climate; modeling; meteorology; air humidity; air temperature; atmospheric pressure; incoming radiation intensity; wind speed; precipitation; meteorological geographical feature;
DOI: 10.23728/b2share.af8c1d8be913457abe50f0c15467b6fa
PID: 11304/c3d56255-ef33-4ba7-94d6-178d3c15e139